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United Way distributes $690,895.00 through Community Fund

united way charity giving non-profit agencies

United Way Waterloo Region Communities is very pleased to announce the distribution of $690,895.00 to 47 local agencies and programs through the General Community Fund. They money distributed will fund programs and services that support basic needs, mental health, and reduce isolation.

This follows the Children and Youth Summer Survival Fund Campaign, which raised $87,000. This additional funding was granted to 6 agencies in Waterloo Region that are focused on supporting children and youth. The money raised will help provide services and programs such as, summer camps, recreational activities, mental health programs, and leadership development programs for children and youth.

In order to be more responsive to community needs and provide rapid local solutions, UWWRC’s General Community Fund is distributed every 3 months. Each quarter, there is an open call for applications, which allows for the most relevant programs and organizations to be funded.

Check out the 2021 Funded Agencies list to learn more about the agencies we are funding!