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United Way Waterloo Region Communities supports #selamdebs

As we watch, read and listen to events in our nation’s capital, we recognize that Waterloo Region is not immune to racism, bigotry, hatred and divisiveness. We denounce all threats and acts of hate toward anti-racism educator Selam Debs and her family. Racism in Canada is an ongoing threat, and we need to acknowledge that there is more than one problem and there must be more than one solution.

Racism, bigotry and hate are the antithesis of everything that United Way works towards and stands for. United Way joins our colleagues and community in condemning all forms of hatred, bigotry, and threats to individuals’ and families’ safety and well-being across Waterloo Region. We will not waver in our commitment to work tirelessly with our network of agencies and partners to remove barriers so that everyone in our community can thrive, and that our community is a safe and welcoming home for all.

View United Way Centraide Canada’s statement regarding the Ottawa Protests.

View United Way Waterloo Region Communities’ Commitment to Equity Statement.